Internal hemorrhoids are so far inside your rectum that you can't usually see or feel them. They don't generally hurt because you have few pain-sensing nerves there.
When the mucus is expelled, the veins in the rectum become affected.This is called piles(hemorrhoids)
Internal Piles

* Grade 1
These are tiny hemorrhoids within the lining of the Anus.

* Grade 2
These hemorrhoids too lie within the Anus and are slightly larger than grade 1 hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoids may get pushed out while passing stool but return to the original position on their own.

* Grade 3
These are also known as “prolapsed hemorrhoids”. They appear outside the anus.the patient can push them back in by pressing against them with his fingers.

* Grade 4
These hemorrhoids cannot be pushed back and stay outside the Anus at all times
External Piles

External Piles
External Piles Are located around the Anus right under the skin, where there are many pain-Sensing nerves. They, therefore, hurt as well as blood