

Difficulty to defecate(constipation) Prolonged constipation is the main root cause, precaution to be taken immediate reaction at the beginning stage. Pain causes due to external hemorrhoids when you sit down becomes serious.

SYMPTOMS Piles Fissures Fistula
PAIN Pain occurs during the passing of a stool. During defecation, patients notice severe pain, especially after bowel movement, which lasts from several minutes to a few hours. Many patients may try to avoid defecation again for fear of causing pain. You may feel a constant, throbbing pain that is worse when you inhale, defecate, or both.
When the internal piles prolapsed, it brings along mucus that can irritate the sensitive area around the anus causing itching. You may also find that the poo always leaks out too, which can be made it worse. Also burning sensation occurs at anus.
BLEED A bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement. Fissures patients can often find bright red blood from the anus on toilet paper or feces.
DISCHARGE A smelly discharge from, near your anus, passing pus or blood after you poo.
LUMPS A hard possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus. Swelling and redness around your anus. Fever or also have an abscess.
OTHER After passing a stool, a person may feeling that the bowels are still full.


Black patches on forehead ,nose,chins It will spoil the blood also,which result in black colour patches on forehead, nose and chins. So don’t hesitate these symptoms

Skin Color fade

As it affects the blood, skin color may also be fade up. It may clearly see on face.

itching in skin

As the germs formed in blood, skin problem itching may also be occur

SYMPTOMS Piles Fissures Fistula(Anal)
Pain Moderate Too High High
Bleeding Too High High Moderate
Discharge Moderate Moderate Too High